
Insert Calendar

Embed a Google Calendar into body of your content with the insert calendar button in the editor.

Google Calendar Embed Code

Your embedded calendar will only be visible to people you've shared it with. To allow all visitors to see your calendar, you'll need to make it public.

Note: These instructions are subject to change and are dependent on Google Calendar's sharing feature. Please see Google Calendar Help and tutorial pages for more assistance with this step if needed.

  1. In Calendar Setting, look for the Integrate calendar section.
  2. Copy the iframe code displayed to this calendar.

Insert Calendar

  1. Go to Edit your page. 
  2. Place your cursor in the Body content area where you want the map to appear.
  3. Click the Insert Calendar Button (calendar icon) in the editor.
  4. Paste your embed code in the Calendar Embed Code field.
  5. Click Save.