Insert Callout

example of callout
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A callout is a text design that visually stands out from the main content text. Use the insert callout button to create a subtle way to highlight a specific snippet of information.

Add Callout

  1. Place your cursor in the Body content area where you want the callout to appear.
  2. Click the Insert Callout Button (megaphone icon) in the editor.
insert callout buttin in editor
Click to see a larger version

Configure Callout Text

  1. Type in your content in the Add callout field.
  2. Click on the size dropdown to designate a size.
    1. Extra large: will consume about 40% of the container width.
    2. Large: will consume about 30% of the container width.
    3. Medium: will consume about 25% of the container width.
  3. Click Save.
configure callout
Click to see a larger version

Note: Callouts are aligned to the right. Other content will wrap around the callout on the left.