Understanding Blocks

What is a block?

A block is a self-contained piece of content that you can create, configure, and add to a page.

Blocks typically offer special content layouts such as layering text and buttons on an image (hero unit block) or grid layouts such a content grid block. Blocks are unique and separate unto themselves, much like your content types (article, basic page, etc).

Inline Blocks vs Reusable Blocks

Blocks created in the Content Block admin page are called Reusable blocks since they can be used anywhere blocks can be attached in your site. Blocks created by and used within the Layout Builder  are Inline blocks and only exist on the page they were created.

  • Inline blocks
    • Inline blocks you've created are available from the page's Layout mode.
    • Inline blocks can be moved to different sections within the page layout.
    • Best for content that only applies to the page it is placed on.
    • Can be converted to reusable blocks if needed later on other pages of your site.
    • If an Inline block is deleted from a page layout, it is removed from the site.
    • Layout Builder tutorial.
  • Reusable blocks
    • Includes any block listed on the Content page > Blocks tab of your site and available to be placed anywhere in your site where block placement is permitted.
    • Reusable blocks can be created from the page's Layout mode.
    • These blocks may be placed on a single page or multiple pages or site wide.
    • If a Reusable block is deleted from a page, the block content is still available on the site.
    • Does not include any In-line blocks created in the Layout Builder.
    • Best for content that needs to appear on multiple pages.
    • Reusable blocks cannot be converted to in-line blocks.
    • Reusable Blocks tutorial.

When to use Inline Blocks vs Reusable Blocks

The nature of the block content should determine which type of block you should use. If the content only relates to the page content it is placed on, use an Inline block. If the block content relates to other pages of content on the site then create a Reusable block.

Why not make all blocks Reusable Blocks

Although it might be tempting to just make all block content reusable, this can make site and content management less efficient. If your site is any larger than a few pages and/or you've been very active adding content, it's quite likely you've found your block content list to be growing at a quick pace. Creating Inline blocks for content that is only needed on a particular page of the site makes block management easier. It keeps the reusable block content list restricted to content that truly appears on more than one page and takes less steps to configure. You may always convert an inline block to a reusable block later if you need to.

Where do you find Inline blocks?

In-line blocks only exist on the pages where they have been placed. To interact with them, you need to navigate to the specific page, click its Layout tab to enter the Layout Builder interface, and then use the block's pen icon to edit its content or configuration.

Where do you find Reusable blocks?

The Reusable blocks can be found from the main site menu, either through Content > Blocks or through Structure > Block layout. Block Layout is the main admin page where you'll be able to work with placing Reusable blocks in regions and on pages. Reusable blocks may also be created and used in Layout Builder,