Campus News Block

Display a list of campus news articles from CU Boulder Today on your site.

Add Campus News block

  1. Navigate to the page you'd like to update, and enter the Edit mode for the page.
  2. Click on the Layout tab.
  3. Choose the Section you would like to add the block.
  4. Click on Add Block in that section.
  5. Use the block filter in the Configuration Sidebar to search for Campus News.
  6. Select Campus News from the list of system blocks.
Click to see a larger version

Configure Campus News Block

  1. Title: this displays above the block when placed on a page.
  2. Display title: enabled by default, toggle the button to hide the block title.
  3. Display:
    1. Teaser: displays the titles, thumbnails and summary of the articles in a list.
    2. Grid: displays the titles and the thumbnails of the articles in a grid.
    3. Title and Thumbnail: displays the titles and the thumbnails of the articles in a list.
    4. Title: displays the titles of the articles in a list.
    5. Feature:
  4. Items: select the number of articles to display
  5. Category: Select Filter by Category and choose the categories of content you wish to display.
  6. Audience: Select Filter by Audience and choose the audience for the content you wish to display.
  7. Unit: Select Filter by Unit and choose the units content you wish to display.
Click to see a larger version

Save Block

  1. Click Add Block.
  2. Click Save layout.