Events Calendar Block Templates
Each block display includes the Widget option of List or List with grid. The calendar grid may be displayed vertically or horizontally in relation to the individual events list. You may select a style. Here are the Localist event block styles you may choose from.
Demo: Events Calendar Block
List with Modern Style
The Modern style features an events display of one event per row. The events image is aligned to the left with a date overlay on the image. The event title, building location and "I'm Interested" button are displayed. Options to include/ exclude the event description, image and time are configurable.
List with Card Style
The Card style features an events grid display. Each event includes a date overlay on the image and the event title. When the visitor's mouse hovers over the event, an overlay is displayed with the event's location and time.
List with Classic Style
The Classic style features an events display of one event per row. The event title is prominent and a smaller event image is aligned to the left. The location is displayed with a link to the campus map. Options to include/ exclude the event description, image and time are configurable.
List with Template 1 Style
The Template 1 style features an events display of one event per row. The events title is prominent and the event image is aligned to the right. Options to include/ exclude the event description, image and time are configurable.
List with Template 2 Style
The Template 2 style features an events display of one event per row. A date icon is aligned to the left and the event title is prominent with the event image aligned to the right. Options to include/ exclude the event description, image and time are configurable.
List with Template 3 Style
The Template 3 style features a simple events list display that includes the event title and date.
List with Template 4 Style
The Template 4 style features an events grid display. Each event includes a date icon and the event title. Options to include/ exclude the event description, image and time are configurable.
List with Template 5 Style
The Template 5 style features a large two column events grid display. Each event includes a date overlay on the image and the event title. Options to include/ exclude the event description and time are configurable.
List with Template 6 Style
The Template 6 style features up to five columns of events with the grid display. Each event includes a date, time, image and the event title.