
Issue example
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Create an online magazine style publication with functionality that allows the creation of issues.  An Issue page displays a collection of articles that are associated with your publication.

The main features of this content type are:

  1. The ability to group articles into issues and designate an issue cover
  2. Current and Latest Issue blocks that displays issues visually by cover and links to the issue page.
  3. An Issues Archive page that is dynamically updated as you create more issues.

Note: You need to create the articles for an Issue before you create the Issue.

Demo: Issue

Create an Issue

  1. Using the admin menu: select Content > Add Content.
  2. Choose Issue.

Enter Title and Body text

This will display in the left column under the issue cover image.

  1. Title (required): is for the main title of the page.
  2. Summary (optional):
  3. Body (optional): add a description at the top of the page, above the list of articles.

Issue Cover Image

Select an image to use for the issue cover. This image will also be displayed in the current issue block and latest issue block. This will display in the left column.

  1. Click Add media.
  2. Click Choose file to upload an image to be used as a cover. Images larger than 640x480 pixels will be resized. Or select an image from your media library.
  3. Click Insert Selected.
issue cover
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Issue Section

In the Section area, add articles to one section or to multiple sections. Sections can also be set to one of four display options.

Section Style:

  1. Section Title: enter the title of the section.
  2. Section Style: select the display for that section.
    1. Teaser: thumbnail, title/link, category and summary.
    2. Feature: large wide image, title/link, category and summary.
    3. Title and thumbnail: thumbnail, title/link.
    4. Title: title/link.
Issue section style
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Article Selection:

  1. Articles: enter the title of the article you would like to add. As you begin typing, the field will auto-populate with article titles that already exist.
  2. Add additional articles by clicking on Add another item under the most recent article added.
Issue Article scetion
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Add Issue Section

  1. Click on Add Issue section under the section to add multiple sections.


Click Save.