Contact Forms

A contact form is a simple form interface allowing your visitors to send feedback, comments, and questions. While it is entirely possible to add in additional fields, anything more than what is provided by default in the contact form would be more easily accomplished using the Webform. The default version, when presented to a visitor, will include:

  • name field
  • email field
  • subject line
  • message field

Note: You should use a Contact Form instead of a Webform when:

  1. you only need a simple interface to receive questions or feedback from your visitors.
  2. you don't need to collect and organize submissions.
  3. the form is going to be used indefinitely with no specific begin/end date in mind.

Create a Contact Form

  1. From the admin panel, click on  Structure » Contact Form.
  2. Click on + Add contact form.
Click to see a larger version

Configure your options:

  1. Label - the title of your form
  2. Recipients - the email address(es) where the form information should be sent
  3. Message - The message to display to the user after submission of this form. Leave blank for no message. Be aware that the message will appear at the top of the submitter's page in a green ribbon.
  4. Redirect path - Path to redirect the user to after submission of this form. For example, type "/about" to redirect to that page. Use a relative path with a slash in front
  5. Auto-reply - Optional auto-reply. Leave empty if you do not want to send the user an auto-reply message
  6. Make this the default form - checkbox to toggle yes/no
  7. Click Save to finish.
Click to see a larger version
Click to see a larger version

Create a menu link to your contact form

  1. A list of your created forms will be available on the Structure » Contact Forms page.
  2. Under the Form column, look for the name of the contact form you want to use; it will be listed as a link. Click on it.
  3. Look in the URL field in your browser and copy this portion: "/contact/name-of-your-form". This will be the URL you can add as a link to your main menu or anywhere else in your site you feel it appropriate.
  4. Follow the Add Link instructions in the Main Menu Tutorial.