Insert Icon

Example of using icons
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We have a large set of icons you can use to add interest to your content.

Demo: Insert Icon

Insert Icon

  1. Place your cursor in the Body content area where you want the icon to appear.
  2. Click the insert Icon button (icon with heart, music note, camera, lightening bolt) in the editor.
insert icon button in the editor
Click to see a larger version

Search for an Icon

  1. Search by category: Use the All dropdown to filter the icons by category
  2. Search alphabetical: Use the Alphabet dropdown to filter the icons by initial letter or number
  3. Search by name: Type in the search field to bring up a list of similarly names icons such as arrows.

Configure the Icon

  1. Icon size: Choose extra small to extra large or 2x to 10x
  2. Icon alignment: with text, pull left, pull right
  3. Icon style: solid
  4. Icon color: same as text, black, white, dark gray, light gray and gold
  5. Icon background: no background, square, rounded square and circle
icon configuration options
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Edit the Icon

  1. Enter Edit Mode for the content containing the icon (page or block).
  2. Click on the icon to bring up the configuration tools and to edit the icon.

Note: You can see a listing of the icons used in Web Express at Font Awesome Icon Search.

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