Current Issue Block

current issue block
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The Current Issue block creates a placeholder that automatically displays the current publication issue. The block is efficiently sized so you can add it to the sidebar or place other content next to it in a section on the page.

Add Current Issue Block

  1. Navigate to the page you'd like to update.
  2. Click the Layout tab.
  3. Choose the Section you would like to add the block.
  4. Click Add Block in that section.
  5. Click Create content block in the Configuration Sidebar.
  6. Select Current Issue Block from the list of options.
  7. Choose Inline or Reusable block option.

Note: Select Inline block if this text block will only appear on this page. Select Reusable block  if this text block needs to appear on multiple pages. When in doubt create an Inline block. Inline blocks may be converted to reusable blocks at a later time if needed. Learn more about Inline and Reusable blocks.

Configure Current Issue Block

  1. Title: this displays above the block when placed on a page.
  2. Display title: enabled by default, toggle the button to hide the block title.
  3. Body: this content does not display.
configure current issue block
Click to see a larger version

Save Block

  1. Click Add Block.
  2. Click Save layout.